• Register


Blackbeard includes a templating system that you can use to modify the layout and content of any page on your Portal. To add your templates:

  1. Log in to the API Control Center. 0.
  2. To to `Manage > Portal` and click on `Portal Settings`.
  3. Add your templates under the `Inline Javascript` section in the `Body JavaScript` field.

Template Formats

Templates can be simple JavaScript strings, or for more complex or logic-driven layouts, a function that returns a string.

// A template string
portalOptions.templates.contact = '<p>This is a valid template.</p>';

// A template function
portalOptions.templates.contact = function () {
	return '<p>This is, too!</p>';

Placeholder Content

When using these, enclose in double curly braces, e.g. {{mashery.area}}.

Placeholder variables for content:

mashery.area - The name of your Portal as defined in Control Center.
content.heading - The title of the page's H1 element, if one exists.
content.main - The main content for the page. On custom pages and documentation, this is whatever content you've entered in Control Center. On Mashery-generate pages, it's the primary body content. On some pages, this is overridden by a page-specific label that you can customize.
content.form - On pages with forms (sign in, registration, etc.), the form.
content.secondary - Varies by page. On the Documentation pages, it's the navigation sidebar.
content.logo - Your logo, if one is specified. If not, falls back to mashery.area.
content.navItemsAccount - The user account navigation items as a list of linked list elements without a parent <ul> or <ol>.
content.navItemsMasheryAccount - The mashery account navigation items (change your password, email, etc.) as a list of linked list elements without a parent <ul> or <ol>.
content.navItemsPrimary - The primary navigation menu items as a list of linked list elements without a parent <ul> or <ol>.
content.navItemsSecondary - The secondary navigation menu items as a list of linked list elements without a parent <ul> or <ol>.
content.navItemsUser - The user navigation menu items (sign in, register, logout, etc.) as a list of linked list elements without a parent <ul> or <ol>.
content.masheryMade - The Mashery Made logo. If you don't include this, it will be automatically injected into the footer.
content.terms - The account registration Terms of Use.
content.privacyPolicy - A custom privacy policy or terms of use for your organization, if you'd like to include them with the Mashery Terms of Use.
content.searchForm - The search form.
mashery.title - The page title. The H1 content for most pages, or, if unspecified, the Mashery Area name.

Placeholder variables for system URLs:

path.apps - The My Apps page.
path.keys - The My Keys page.
path.account - The My Account page.
path.changeEmail - The page to change your email.
path.changePassword - The page to change your password.
path.contact - The contact page.
path.dashboard - The Control Center Dashboard.
path.docs - The documentation page.
path.iodocs - The IO Docs page.
path.logout - The logout link.
path.lostPassword - The page to request a lost password.
path.lostUsername - The page to request a lost username.
path.removeMember - The link to trigger a remove account request.
path.register - The page to register a new account.
path.registerResendConfirmation - The page to confirm that a registration email was resent.
path.removeMembership - The page to remove account membership from this Portal.
path.search - The search results page.
path.signin - The sign in page.
path.viewProfile - The current user's profile.

In addition to the global placeholders listed above, each template has local placeholder specific to that template or content type.

The Templates

Default values are shown below.

// Base layout
// The markup structure that all of the content will get loaded into.
//  - The wrapper for the user navigation.
//  - The wrapper for the primary navigation.
//  - The wrapper for the main content area.
//  - The wrapper for the first footer content area.
//  - The wrapper for the secondary navigation.
//  - The wrapper for the second footer content area.
portalOptions.templates.layout =
	'<a class="screen-reader screen-reader-focusable" href="#main-wrapper">Skip to content</a>' +
	'' +
	'' +
	'' +
	'<footer class="footer" id="footer">' +
		'' +
		'' +
		'' +

// My Apps
// The page displaying a users registered applications.
//  - The content to display when the user has no applications.
portalOptions.templates.accountApps = function () {
	var template = 	'<h1></h1><ul id="nav-account"></ul>';
	if (Object.keys(mashery.content.main).length > 0) {
		mashery.content.main.forEach(function (app) {
			template +=
				'<h2>' + app.application + '</h2>' +
				'<ul>' +
					'<li>API: ' + (app.api ? app.api : 'None') + '</li>' +
					'<li>Key: ' + (app.key ? app.key : 'None') + '</li>' +
					'<li>Created: ' + app.created + '</li>' +
				'</ul>' +

				if (app.edit) {
					template += '<a class="btn btn-edit-app" id="' + m$.sanitizeClass(app.application, 'btn-edit-app') + '" href="' + app.edit + '">Edit This App</a>';
				if (app.delete) {
					template += '<a class="btn btn-delete-app" id="' + m$.sanitizeClass(app.application, 'btn-delete-app') + '" href="' + app.delete + '">Delete This App</a>';
				if (app.add) {
					template += '<a class="btn btn-add-key-app" id="' + m$.sanitizeClass(app.application, 'btn-add-key-app') + '" href="' + app.add + '">Add APIs</a>';

			template += '</p>';
	} else {
		template += '';
	if (mashery.content.secondary) {
		template += '<p><a class="btn btn-get-app" id="btn-get-app" href="' + window.mashery.content.secondary + '">Create a New App</a></p>';
	return '<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' + template + '</div>';

// My Account: Email
// The page where users can change their Mashery email address.
portalOptions.templates.accountEmail =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'<ul id="nav-account"></ul>' +
		'<ul id="nav-mashery-account"></ul>' +
		'' +

// My Account: Email Success
// The page confirming email change was successful
portalOptions.templates.accountEmailSuccess =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'<ul id="nav-account"></ul>' +
		'<ul id="nav-mashery-account"></ul>' +
		'' +

// My Keys
// The page displaying a users API keys.
//  - The message to display when a plan has no keys.
//  - The message to display when a user has no keys.
portalOptions.templates.accountKeys = function () {
	var template = '<h1></h1><ul id="nav-account"></ul>';
	if (Object.keys(mashery.content.main).length > 0 ) {
		mashery.content.main.forEach(function (plan) {
			template += '<h2>' + plan.name + '</h2>';
			if (plan.keys.length > 0) {
				plan.keys.forEach(function (key) {
					var secret = key.secret ? '<li>Secret: ' + key.secret + '</li>' : '';
					template +=
						'<p><strong>' + key.application + '</strong></p>' +
						'<ul>' +
							'<li>Key: ' + key.key + '</li>' +
							secret +
							'<li>Status: ' + key.status + '</li>' +
							'<li>Created: ' + key.created + '</li>' +
						'</ul>' +
						key.limits +
						'<p>' +
							'<a class="btn btn-key-report" id="btn-key-report" href="' + key.report + '">View Report</a>' +
							'<a class="btn btn-delete-key" id="btn-delete-key" href="' + key.delete + '">Delete This Key</a>' +
			} else {
				template += '<p></p>';
				if (mashery.content.secondary) {
					template += '<p><a class="btn btn-get-key" id="' + m$.sanitizeClass(plan.name, 'btn-get-key') + '"  href="' + mashery.content.secondary + '">Get a Key for ' + plan.name + '</a></p>';
	} else {
		template += '';
		if (mashery.content.secondary) {
			template += '<p><a class="btn btn-get-key" id="btn-get-key" href="' + mashery.content.secondary + '">Get API Keys</a></p>';
	return '<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' + template + '</div>';

// My Account
// The page where users can manage their Mashery Account details.
//  - The heading to display above the account details form.
portalOptions.templates.accountManage =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'<ul id="nav-account"></ul>' +
		'<ul id="nav-mashery-account"></ul>' +
		'<h2></h2>' +
		'' +

// My Account: Password
// The page where users can change their Mashery password.
portalOptions.templates.accountPassword =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'<ul id="nav-account"></ul>' +
		'<ul id="nav-mashery-account"></ul>' +
		'' +

// My Account: Password Success
// The page after users have successfully changed their password.
portalOptions.templates.accountPasswordSuccess =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'<ul id="nav-account"></ul>' +
		'<ul id="nav-mashery-account"></ul>' +
		'' +

// Add App APIs
// Add APIs to an application.
//  - The label before the application name.
//  - The label before the date the application was created.
//  - The label before the API name.
//  - The label before the API key.
//  - The heading above the form to add APIs to the application.
portalOptions.templates.appAddAPIs = function () {
	var template =
				'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
					'<h1></h1>' +
					'<ul>' +
						'<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.secondary.application + '</li>' +
						'<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.secondary.created + '</li>' +
						(window.mashery.content.secondary.api ? '<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.secondary.api + '</li>' : '') +
						(window.mashery.content.secondary.key ? '<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.secondary.key + '</li>' : '') +
					'</ul>' +
					'<h2></h2>' +
					'' +

	return template;

// App Delete
// Delete an application
//  - The label before the application name.
//  - The label before the date the application was created.
//  - The label before the API name.
//  - The label before the API key.
//  - The heading above the form to delete the application.
portalOptions.templates.appDelete = function () {
	var template =
				'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
					'<h1></h1>' +
					'<ul>' +
						'<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.secondary.application + '</li>' +
						'<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.secondary.created + '</li>' +
						(window.mashery.content.secondary.api ? '<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.secondary.api + '</li>' : '') +
						(window.mashery.content.secondary.key ? '<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.secondary.key + '</li>' : '') +
					'</ul>' +
					'<h2></h2>' +
					'' +
					'' +

	return template;

// Add App APIs: Success
// New API keys added to an app.
portalOptions.templates.appAddAPIsSuccess =
	'<div class="container container-small">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'' +

// Edit Application
// Layout with form to edit an application.
portalOptions.templates.appEdit =
	'<div class="container container-small">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'' +
		'' +

// App Registration
// The app registration page.
portalOptions.templates.appRegister =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'' +
		'' +

// App Registration Success
// The message that's displayed after an application is successfully registered.
portalOptions.templates.appRegisterSuccess =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'' +

// Blog: All Posts
// The page where all blog posts are listed.
portalOptions.templates.blogAll = function () {
	var template = '<h1></h1>';
	var excerpt = document.createElement('div');
	window.mashery.content.main.forEach(function (post) {
		excerpt.innerHTML = m$.convertMarkdown(post.content);
		template +=
			'<h2 class="margin-bottom-small">' +
				'<a href="' + post.url + '">' + post.title + '</a>' +
			'</h2>' +
			'<p class="text-muted margin-bottom-small">' +
				'By ' + post.author + ' on <time datetime="' + post.published + '" pubdate>' + post.published + '</time>' +
			'</p>' +
			'<div class="content">' +
				excerpt.textContent.slice(0, parseInt(settings.excerptLength, 10)) + '...' +
				'<p><a href="' + post.url + '">' + settings.labels.blogAll.readMore + '<span class="screen-reader">' + post.title + '</span></a></p>' +
	if (window.mashery.content.secondary.pagination) {
		template += window.mashery.content.secondary.pagination;

	return '<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' + template + '</div>';

// Blog: Single Post
// The layout for individual blog posts.
portalOptions.templates.blogSingle = function () {
	var template =
		'<h1 class="margin-bottom-small">' + window.mashery.content.main.title + '</h1>' +
		'<p class="text-muted">' +
			'By ' + window.mashery.content.main.author + ' on <time datetime="' + window.mashery.content.main.published + '" pubdate>' + window.mashery.content.main.published + '</time>' +
		'</p>' +
		'<div class="content">' +
			m$.convertMarkdown(window.mashery.content.main.content) +

	if (window.mashery.content.main.edit) {
		template += '<p><a href="' + window.mashery.content.main.edit + '">Edit Post</a></p>';

	return '<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' + template + '</div>';

// Contact
// The contact page.
portalOptions.templates.contact =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'' +
		'' +

// Contact Success
// The message displayed after a contact form is successfully submitted.
portalOptions.templates.contactSuccess =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'<p></p>' +

// Documentation
// The layout for API documentation. This page includes an automatically generated navigation menu.
//  - The heading above the documentation sub-navigation.
portalOptions.templates.docs =
	'<div class="main container" id="main">' +
		'<div class="row">' +
			'<div class="grid-two-thirds content">' +
				'<h1></h1>' +
				'' +
			'</div>' +
			'<div class="grid-third">' +
				'<h2></h2>' +
				'<ul></ul>' +
			'</div>' +
		'</div>' +

// Footer 1
// The first of two footer content sections.
portalOptions.templates.footer1 = '<div class="footer-1 container" id="footer-1"></div>';

// Footer 2
// The second of two footer content sections.
portalOptions.templates.footer2 =
	'<div class="footer-1 container" id="footer-2">' +
		'<p></p>' +

// Forum: All Topics
// The main forum page where all topics are listed.
// @todo Create this layout
forumAll = '<div class="main container" id="main"><p>The forum content needs to get created.</p></div>', -->

// 404
// The layout for 404 pages.
// portalOptions.templates.fourOhFour =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'' +

// IO Docs
// The IO Docs page.
// portalOptions.templates.ioDocs =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'' +
		'' +

// Join
// The layout for existing Mashery users signing into an area for the first time. Mashery Terms of Use *must* be displayed on this page, and will be automatically injected if you omit them.
portalOptions.templates.join =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'' +
		'' +
		'' +

// Join: Success
// The page confirming that an existing Mashery user has joined a new area.
portalOptions.templates.joinSuccess =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'' +

// Key Activity
// Layout for the key activity report page.
//  - The label before the application name.
//  - The label before the API key.
//  - The label before the key secret.
//  - The label before the key status.
//  - The label before the date the application was created.
//  - A table displaying any call limits for the key.
portalOptions.templates.keyActivity = function () {
	var template =
		'<h1></h1>' +

		'<ul id="nav-account"></ul>' +

		'<h2></h2>' +
		'<ul>' +
			'<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.secondary.application + '</li>' +
			'<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.secondary.key + '</li>' +
			(window.mashery.content.secondary.secret ? '<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.secondary.secret + '</li>' : '') +
			'<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.secondary.status + '</li>' +
			'<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.secondary.created + '</li>' +
		'</ul>' +

		'' +


	return '<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' + template + '</div>';

// Key: Delete
// Layout for the delete key page.
//  - The label before the application name.
//  - The label before the API key.
//  - The label before the key secret.
//  - The label before the key status.
//  - The label before the date the application was created.
//  - The heading above the form where users confirm that they want to delete their key.
portalOptions.templates.keyDelete = function () {
	var template =
		'<h1></h1>' +

		'<h2></h2>' +
		'<ul>' +
		'<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.secondary.application + '</li>' +
		'<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.secondary.key + '</li>' +
		(window.mashery.content.secondary.secret ? '<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.secondary.secret + '</li>' : '') +
		'<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.secondary.status + '</li>' +
		'<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.secondary.created + '</li>' +
		'</ul>' +

		'<h2></h2>' +
		'' +

	return '<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' + template + '</div>';

// Logout: Success
// The page shown after a user logs out.
portalOptions.templates.logout =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'<p></p>' +

// Logout: Failed
// The page shown when a logout was unsuccessful.
portalOptions.templates.logoutFail =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'<p></p>' +

// Lost Password Request
// The page where users can request their password be reset.
portalOptions.templates.lostPassword =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'' +
		'' +

// Lost Password Reset
// The page shown after a password reset email is sent to the user.
portalOptions.templates.lostPasswordReset =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'<p></p>' +

// Lost Username Request
// The page where users can request their username be reset.
portalOptions.templates.lostUsername =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'' +
		'' +

// Lost Username Reset
// The page where users can reset their username.
portalOptions.templates.lostUsernameReset =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'<p></p>' +

// Remove Membership
// The page where users can remove their membership from this Portal.
//  - The button text to confirm you want to remove your membership from this Portal.
//  - The button text to cancel removing your account.
portalOptions.templates.memberRemove =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'<p></p>' +
		'<p>' +
			'<a class="btn btn-remove-member-confirm" id="btn-remove-member-confirm" href=""></a>' +
			'<a class="btn btn-remove-member-cancel" id="btn-remove-member-cancel" href=""></a>' +
		'</p>' +

// Remove Membership Success
// The page shown when user membership was successfully removed.
portalOptions.templates.memberRemoveSuccess =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'<p></p>' +

// No Access
// Layout for when the user does not have permission to view the page
portalOptions.templates.noAccess =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'<p></p>' +

// Custom Pages
// The layout for custom pages.
portalOptions.templates.page =
	'<div class="main container content" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'' +

// User Profiles
// The layout for user profile pages.
//  - The heading above the user's info.
//  - The label before the user's website URL.
//  - The label before the user's blog URL.
//  - The label before the date the user registered.
//  - The heading above the user's list of activity.
portalOptions.templates.profile = function () {
	var template = '<h1></h1>';
	if (window.mashery.content.main.admin) {
		template += '<p><a href="' + window.mashery.content.main.admin + '">View administrative profile for ' + window.mashery.content.main.name + '</a></p>';
	template +=	'<h2></h2>' +
				if (window.mashery.content.main.website) {
					template += '<li><strong></strong> <a href="' + window.mashery.content.main.website + '">' + window.mashery.content.main.website + '</a></li>';
				if (window.mashery.content.main.blog) {
					template += '<li><strong></strong> <a href="' + window.mashery.content.main.blog + '">' + window.mashery.content.main.blog + '</a></li>';
				template += '<li><strong></strong> ' + window.mashery.content.main.registered + '</li>';
	template +=	'</ul>';
	if (window.mashery.content.main.activity) {
		template += '<h2></h2>' +
	return '<div class="main container" id="main">' + template + '</div>';

// Primary Navigation
// The primary navigation content for the Portal.
//  - The label on the button to expand and collapse the navigation menu on smaller screens.
portalOptions.templates.primaryNav =
	'<div class="nav-primary nav-wrap nav-collapse" id="nav-primary">' +
		'<div class="container padding-top-small padding-bottom-small">' +
			'<a id="logo" class="logo" href="/"></a>' +
			'<a role="button" class="nav-toggle" id="nav-primary-toggle" data-nav-toggle="#nav-primary-menu" href="#"></a>' +
			'<div class="nav-menu" id="nav-primary-menu">' +
				'<ul class="nav" id="nav-primary-list">' +
					'' +
					'<li></li>' +
				'</ul>' +
			'</div>' +
		'</div>' +

// Registration
// The registration page. Terms of Use *must* be included on this page, and will be automatically injected if you omit them.
//  - The "No Spam" message on the registration page.
portalOptions.templates.register =
	'<div class="main container" id="main">' +
		'<div class="row">' +
			'<div class="grid-two-thirds">' +
				'<h1></h1>' +
				'' +
				'' +
				'' +
			'</div>' +
			'<div class="grid-third">' +
				'' +
			'</div>' +
		'</div>' +

// Registration Email Sent
// The page confirming that the users registration email was sent.
portalOptions.templates.registerSent =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'<p>We have sent a confirmation email to you at .</p>' +
		'<p>Please click on the link in that e-mail to confirm your account. If you do not receive an email within the next hour, <a href="">click here to resend confirmation email</a>.</p>' +

// Registration Email Resend
// The page requesting the registration email be resent.
portalOptions.templates.registerResend =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'' +
		'' +

// Registration Email Resent
// The page confirming that the registration email was resent.
portalOptions.templates.registerResendSuccess =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'' +

// Search
// The layout for search results.
//  - The heading to display if no search query is provided.
//  - Meta details about the search.
//  - The text for the link to go to the previous page of results.
//  - The divider between the previous and next page links.
//  - The text for the link to go to the next page of results.
//  - The message to display if no search results are found.
portalOptions.templates.search = function () {
	var template = '';
	if (window.mashery.content.newSearch) {
		template += '<h1></h1>' +
	} else if (window.mashery.content.main) {
		template += '<h1></h1>' +
					'' +
		window.mashery.content.main.forEach(function (result) {
			template +=
				'<div class="search-result">' +
					'<h2 class="no-margin-bottom"><a href="' + result.url + '">' + result.title + '</a></h2>' +
					'<p>' +
						result.summary +
						'<br>' +
						'<a href="' + result.url + '">' + result.url + '</a>' +
					'</p>' +
		template += '<div class="search-pagination">';
		if (window.mashery.content.secondary.pagePrevious) {
			template += '<a href="' + window.mashery.content.secondary.pagePrevious + '"></a>';
		if (window.mashery.content.secondary.pagePrevious && window.mashery.content.secondary.pageNext) {
			template += '';
		if (window.mashery.content.secondary.pageNext) {
			template += '<a href="' + window.mashery.content.secondary.pageNext + '"></a>';
		template += '</div>';
	} else {
		template +=	'<h1></h1>' +
					'' +

	return '<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' + template + '</div>';

// Secondary Navigation
// The secondary navigation for the Portal, often included in the footer.
portalOptions.templates.secondaryNav =
	'<div class="nav-secondary container" id="nav-secondary">' +
		'<ul id="nav-secondary-list">' +
			'' +
		'</ul>' +

// Secret Visibility
// Show key secrets for 30 days.
portalOptions.templates.showSecret =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'' +

// Secret Visibility: Success
// Key secrets will be shown.
portalOptions.templates.showSecretSuccess =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'' +

// Secret Visibility: Error
// Key secrets already shown.
portalOptions.templates.showSecretError =
	'<div class="main container container-small" id="main">' +
		'<h1></h1>' +
		'' +

// Sign In
// The sign in page.
portalOptions.templates.signin =
	'<div class="main container" id="main">' +
		'<div class="row">' +
			'<div class="grid-half">' +
				'<h1></h1>' +
				'' +
				'' +
			'</div>' +
			'<div class="grid-half">' +
				'' +
			'</div>' +
		'</div>' +

// User Navigation
// The navigation menu for sign in, registration, account, and logout links.
portalOptions.templates.userNav =
	'<div class="nav-user container" id="nav-user">' +
		'<ul class="nav-user-list list-inline text-small text-muted padding-top-small padding-bottom-small no-margin-bottom text-right" id="nav-user-list">' +
			'' +
		'</ul>' +







In addition to the global placeholders listed above, each template has local placeholder specific to that template or content type.

Docs Navigation