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Event Trigger API

Event Triggers are a way for a customer to integrate their own systems with the Mashery service.  They enable a customer to receive data when particular events happen in the Mashery service, such as a developer registering, an application being created, or the limits changed on a developer's key.

The Event Trigger API consists of HTTP-based calls that the Mashery service will make to a designated customer-hosted endpoint, e.g. http://mycustomerdomain.com/masherycallbacks.  These calls are made after executing administration operations, such as create, update and delete, for the following Mashery objects: Member, Application, Key and Package Key. Put another way: event trigger API calls are made after the data is saved in the Mashery database.

NOTE: The customer-hosted endpoint must support additional path elements as well as query parameters, both of which are documented on each object's detail documentation page.  The entry for the customer-hosted endpoint, as entered into the Mashery API Admin Console, is simply the root of the API that will be called.  An example of what call would be produced when generating an event trigger for updating a Mashery member object is show below.


The below table summarizes the event triggers supported by Mashery.

NOTE: Event Triggers are setup and managed by Mashery Support. Please contact support@mashery.com for assistance.

Event HTTP Request Type of Call made to Customer-hosted Endpoint
Data Sent to Customer-hosted Endpoint
Data Returned from Customer-hosted Endpoint
Member Create PUT Member JSON or application/x-www-form-urlencoded data
Member JSON
Update PUT
Application Create PUT Application JSON or application/x-www-form-urlencoded data Application JSON
Update PUT
Key Create PUT Key JSON or application/x-www-form-urlencoded data Key JSON
Update PUT
Package Key Create PUT Package Key JSON or application/x-www-form-urlencoded data Package Key JSON
Update PUT

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