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Delete a plan filter  Please see Deleting Objects for an overview of how the update method works.

NOTE:This method is available when API Packager is turned on for a customer. Please contact Support or your Account Manager if you have any questions about API Packager.


plan_filter id

An integer representing the unique id of the application to delete. You may also pass a json object with a field of id to identify the plan_filter you wish to delete.


Delete returns null on success.


A Sample JSON-RPC plan_filter.delete Request


The JSON-RPC Response

"result": true,
"error": null,
"id": 1

Permissions Required

The user who owns the key used to authenticate the plan_filter.delete call must be a member of one of the following roles

  • Administrator
  • API Manager

See authentication.


In addition to the standard json-rpc errors and authentication errors, application.fetch may also return these errors:

HTTP Status Code JSON-RPC Code Error Message Description
500 2003 Delete Failed The object could not be deleted.  This is the error message of last resort for object deletions and usually indicates a systems integration failure, invalid internal data, or a transient issue.  These errors are logged by Mashery.

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