• Register

Plan Endpoints

Resource URI


Items in curly braces represent variables.


A plan endpoint represents the relationship between a plan and a service definition endpoint. It is created when a service definition endpoint is included in a plan, either directly or when its parent service definition is included.

Resource Schema

Property Characteristics
id Type string
Create Rule Ignored
Update Rule Required (if not in context)
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Object identifier (External endpoint identifier).
allowMissingApiKey Type boolean
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Set to true to allow calls without API keys. This property is for the calls made to Mashery. This property requires that a special API key is created with the key value of noapikey. This key is used by Mashery to accept the API call, apply the business rules, and log requests for the endpoint.
apiKeyValueLocationKey Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Enter the API Key ID. This can either be the name field that designates the key in your API calls or, in the case of a Key Location of Path, a space delimited set of numbers designating the locations in the request path that should be recorded as the API key. The key location identifier helps Mashery to identify the key in the key source.
apiKeyValueLocations Type array
Sub-type enum
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description enum literals: request-parameters, request-path, request-body, request-header, custom
apiMethodDetectionKey Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Enter the method identifier, aka the string that uniquely identifies the incoming method to the Traffic Manager. It defines where to look for a method in a request path. The method location identifier helps Mashery to identify the method in the method source.
apiMethodDetectionLocations Type array
Sub-type enum
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description enum literals: request-parameters, request-path, request-body, request-header, custom
cache Type object
Sub-type Cache
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Cache object. Set of properties managing the cache behaviors for the Endpoint.
connectionTimeoutForSystemDomainRequest Type integer
Sub-type enum
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description enum literals: 2,5,10,20,30,45,60
connectionTimeoutForSystemDomainResponse Type integer
Sub-type enum
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description enum literals: 2,5,10,20,30,45,60,120,300,600,900,1200
cookiesDuringHttpRedirectsEnabled Type boolean
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Set to true to enable cookies during redirects. Cookies can be enabled and collected during server requests from Mashery to the client API server.
cors Type object
Sub-type Cors
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Cors object. Set of properties managing the CORS behaviors for the Endpoint.
created Type string
Sub-type datetime
Create Rule Ignored
Update Rule Ignored
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Date/time the object was created.
customRequestAuthenticationAdapter Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Custom adapter for authentication for an endpoint
dropApiKeyFromIncomingCall Type boolean
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Drop mapi from call
forceGzipOfBackendCall Type boolean
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Force GZip Accept-Encoding on backend call
gzipPassthroughSupportEnabled Type boolean
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Set to true to enable GZIP passthrough. Traffic Manager accepts and sends GZip directives to the client API server.
headersToExcludeFromIncomingCall Type array
Sub-type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description HTTP Headers to Drop from Incoming Call
highSecurity Type boolean
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Set to true if calls made to this Endpoint should always be under SSL. Enable this for greater security of the API calls made against this Endpoint. NOTE: your customer area must be configured for this feature.
hostPassthroughIncludedInBackendCallHeader Type boolean
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Pass X-Mashery-Host Header in Request
inboundSslRequired Type boolean
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description value in db will be 0 for false and 1 for true
jsonpCallbackParameter Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description The parameter is used by Traffic Manager while handling the JSON responses.
jsonpCallbackParameterValue Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description The default parameter value can be set to be used by Traffic Manager to effectively handle the JSON response.
scheduledMaintenanceEvent Type object
Sub-type ScheduledMaintenanceEvent
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Scheduled Maintenance Event object.
forwardedHeaders Type array
Sub-type enum
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description enum literals: mashery-host, mashery-message-id, mashery-service-id
returnedHeaders Type array
Sub-type enum
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description enum literals: mashery-message-id, mashery-responder
methods Type array
Sub-type Method
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Methods that belong to the Endpoint.
name Type string
Create Rule Required
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Endpoint name.
numberOfHttpRedirectsToFollow Type integer
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Enter a number of HTTP redirects to follow. By default, Traffic Manager does not handle any redirects.
outboundRequestTargetPath Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Request path
outboundRequestTargetQueryParameters Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Outbound query parameters
outboundTransportProtocol Type string
Sub-type enum
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description enum literals: use-inbound, http, https
processor Type object
Sub-type Processor
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Processor object. This is a set of properties uses to manage customizations to API call traffic management.
publicDomains Type array
Sub-type Domain
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description The public hostname (domain name) is used by a developer application or widget to make an API call.
requestAuthenticationType Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Authentication type for the endpoint
requestPathAlias Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Request path
requestProtocol Type string
Sub-type enum
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description enum literals: rest,soap,xml-rpc,json-rpc,other
oauthGrantTypes Type array
Sub-type enum
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description enum literals: authorization-code, implicit, password, client-credentials
stringsToTrimFromApiKey Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Strings to be trimmed from the API Key before the call is passed to your API.
supportedHttpMethods Type array
Sub-type enum
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description enum literals: get, post, put, delete, head, options, patch
systemDomainAuthentication Type object
Sub-type SystemDomainAuthentication
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description SystemDomainAuthentication object.
systemDomains Type array
Sub-type Domain
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description The domain name of the client API server. Mashery performs call logging, and applies the business rules before sending an API call to this domain.
trafficManagerDomain Type string
Create Rule Required
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description The Traffic Manager internal hostname (domain name) to which the requested public hostname is CNAMED. You must consult Mashery before creating new Mashery internal hostnames.
updated Type string
Sub-type datetime
Create Rule Ignored
Update Rule Ignored
Fetch Rule Implicit
Description Date/time the object was last updated.
useSystemDomainCredentials Type boolean
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description To suit to the client server's requirement, Mashery can swap the API credentials such as API keys and send the swapped Mashery credentials to the client API server.
systemDomainCredentialKey Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Key to use when making call to the client API server.
systemDomainCredentialSecret Type string
Create Rule Optional
Update Rule Optional
Fetch Rule Explicit
Description Secret to use when making call to the client API server.

fetch all [GET]

Retrieves collection of Plan Endpoints belonging to the given Plan Service.


Parameter Required Type Description
packageId true string Package identifier.
planId true string Plan identifier.
serviceId true string Service identifier.
fields false string Comma-separated list of property paths to include in response. Each property path is a dot-separated list of object property names. fields=<property\[.property...\]>\[,...\]\[&fields=...\]
filter false string Colon-separated name/value pair specifying the name of property whose value must contain the given value (as a substring). Results may also be filtered by nested collections' properties by specifying a dot-separated property path. filter=<property\[.property...\]>:<value>\[&filter=...\]
sort false string Comma-separated list of properties to sort by. Only root-level properties are supported. Each property name may be optionally followed by :asc or :desc to specify sort direction (defaults to asc). sort=<property\[:(asc\|desc)\]>\[,...\]\[&sort=...\]
limit false int Number of objects to return in the result. Defaults to 100.
offset false int 0-based index of first object in the list to return. Defaults to 0.
indent false boolean When set to true, responses are indented for better readability.



Array of Plan Endpoints for the Plan Service If fields request parameter is not included, only those fields with "Fetch Rule" equal to "Implicit" will be returned. Otherwise, the fields contained in the URL parameter will be included in the response.


Array of validation responses



curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/packages/83cca97c-986b-468c-b277-525b633909a9/plans/9c0e6072-b6a8-4085-877b-e3fb1c71bc73/services/0fcc39d1c7ee470780e6cbe6/endpoints' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" 


        "requestProtocol": "soap",
        "trafficManagerDomain": "kathyireland.com",
        "supportedHttpMethods": "post",
        "numberOfHttpRedirectsToFollow": 96,
        "requestAuthenticationType": "nullam orci pede venenatis",
        "requestPathAlias": "ligula",
        "useSystemDomainCredentials": false,
        "outboundRequestTargetPath": "et ultrices posuere cubilia",
        "apiMethodDetectionLocations": "request-path",
        "id": "80d53a5e-1381-4657-83af-4d25b329afa2",
        "apiMethodDetectionKey": "dui nec",
        "cookiesDuringHttpRedirectsEnabled": true,
        "stringsToTrimFromApiKey": "sed lacus morbi sem",
        "forwardedHeaders": "mashery-host",
        "updated": "2013-09-05T19:28:06.000+0000",
        "created": "2014-02-16T14:52:45.000+0000",
        "gzipPassthroughSupportEnabled": false,
        "inboundSslRequired": false,
        "name": "libero",
        "apiKeyValueLocations": "request-body",
        "customRequestAuthenticationAdapter": "lorem ipsum",
        "systemDomainCredentialSecret": "velit nec",
        "oauthGrantTypes": "password",
        "allowMissingApiKey": true,
        "dropApiKeyFromIncomingCall": true,
        "outboundRequestTargetQueryParameters": "mauris viverra diam vitae",
        "systemDomainCredentialKey": "elit",
        "highSecurity": false,
        "forceGzipOfBackendCall": false,
        "connectionTimeoutForSystemDomainResponse": 1,
        "apiKeyValueLocationKey": "est lacinia nisi",
        "jsonpCallbackParameterValue": "est lacinia nisi venenatis",
        "jsonpCallbackParameter": "posuere nonummy integer",
        "connectionTimeoutForSystemDomainRequest": 68,
        "returnedHeaders": "mashery-responder",
        "hostPassthroughIncludedInBackendCallHeader": true,
        "outboundTransportProtocol": "http"


curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/packages/83cca97c-986b-468c-b277-525b633909a9/plans/9c0e6072-b6a8-4085-877b-e3fb1c71bc73/services/0fcc39d1c7ee470780e6cbe6/endpoints' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" 


        "id": "a5edf5c9-e4d8-4da0-ab8e-00871a63e5f8",
        "created": "2014-04-02T19:00:26.000+0000",
        "updated": "2014-01-07T16:04:43.000+0000",
        "name": "sapien placerat"

fetch [GET]

Retrieves the Plan Endpoint, returning a Plan Endpoint


Parameter Required Type Description
packageId true string Package identifier.
planId true string Plan identifier.
serviceId true string Service identifier.
endpointId true string Endpoint identifier.
fields false string Comma-separated list of property paths to include in response. Each property path is a dot-separated list of object property names. fields=<property\[.property...\]>\[,...\]\[&fields=...\]
filter false string Colon-separated name/value pair specifying the name of property whose value must contain the given value (as a substring). Results may also be filtered by nested collections' properties by specifying a dot-separated property path. filter=<property\[.property...\]>:<value>\[&filter=...\]
sort false string Comma-separated list of properties to sort by. Only root-level properties are supported. Each property name may be optionally followed by :asc or :desc to specify sort direction (defaults to asc). sort=<property\[:(asc\|desc)\]>\[,...\]\[&sort=...\]
limit false int Number of objects to return in the result. Defaults to 100.
offset false int 0-based index of first object in the list to return. Defaults to 0.
indent false boolean When set to true, responses are indented for better readability.



Plan Endpoint as identified If fields request parameter is not included, only those fields with "Fetch Rule" equal to "Implicit" will be returned. Otherwise, the fields contained in the URL parameter will be included in the response.


Array of validation responses



curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/packages/83cca97c-986b-468c-b277-525b633909a9/plans/9c0e6072-b6a8-4085-877b-e3fb1c71bc73/services/0fcc39d1c7ee470780e6cbe6/endpoints/0dd96770b82f4f248c4711d9' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" 


        "requestProtocol": "other",
        "trafficManagerDomain": "6css.com",
        "supportedHttpMethods": "put",
        "numberOfHttpRedirectsToFollow": 26,
        "requestAuthenticationType": "vestibulum ante ipsum",
        "requestPathAlias": "in magna bibendum",
        "useSystemDomainCredentials": true,
        "outboundRequestTargetPath": "odio porttitor id",
        "apiMethodDetectionLocations": "request-header",
        "id": "6afb07f7-6a03-4723-b09b-ffe3b9317d54",
        "apiMethodDetectionKey": "rhoncus aliquet",
        "cookiesDuringHttpRedirectsEnabled": false,
        "stringsToTrimFromApiKey": "in sapien iaculis",
        "forwardedHeaders": "mashery-service-id",
        "updated": "2014-03-05T20:24:13.000+0000",
        "created": "2013-11-29T15:37:05.000+0000",
        "gzipPassthroughSupportEnabled": true,
        "inboundSslRequired": true,
        "name": "vivamus vestibulum sagittis sapien",
        "apiKeyValueLocations": "request-parameters",
        "customRequestAuthenticationAdapter": "nibh in hac",
        "systemDomainCredentialSecret": "vestibulum velit id pretium",
        "oauthGrantTypes": "authorization-code",
        "allowMissingApiKey": true,
        "dropApiKeyFromIncomingCall": false,
        "outboundRequestTargetQueryParameters": "vestibulum vestibulum ante ipsum",
        "systemDomainCredentialKey": "dapibus",
        "highSecurity": true,
        "forceGzipOfBackendCall": false,
        "connectionTimeoutForSystemDomainResponse": 7,
        "apiKeyValueLocationKey": "volutpat dui",
        "jsonpCallbackParameterValue": "phasellus in felis",
        "jsonpCallbackParameter": "id lobortis convallis tortor",
        "connectionTimeoutForSystemDomainRequest": 48,
        "returnedHeaders": "mashery-responder",
        "hostPassthroughIncludedInBackendCallHeader": true,
        "outboundTransportProtocol": "https"


curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/packages/83cca97c-986b-468c-b277-525b633909a9/plans/9c0e6072-b6a8-4085-877b-e3fb1c71bc73/services/0fcc39d1c7ee470780e6cbe6/endpoints/0dd96770b82f4f248c4711d9' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" 


        "id": "484244f6-d99c-4132-8d47-e1d7021bcd9b",
        "created": "2014-07-16T02:13:12.000+0000",
        "updated": "2014-06-10T16:47:20.000+0000",
        "name": "curae mauris"

create [POST]

Creates a new Plan Endpoint in the given Plan Service.


Parameter Required Type Description
packageId true string Package identifier.
planId true string Plan identifier.
serviceId true string Service identifier.
endpoint true object ServiceDefinitionEndpoint object



Plan Endpoint as created If fields request parameter is not included, only those fields with "Fetch Rule" equal to "Implicit" will be returned. Otherwise, the fields contained in the URL parameter will be included in the response.


Array of validation responses



curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/packages/83cca97c-986b-468c-b277-525b633909a9/plans/9c0e6072-b6a8-4085-877b-e3fb1c71bc73/services/0fcc39d1c7ee470780e6cbe6/endpoints' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --request POST --data '{"trafficManagerDomain":"bamaspring.com","requestProtocol":"soap","supportedHttpMethods":"post","numberOfHttpRedirectsToFollow":79,"useSystemDomainCredentials":false,"requestPathAlias":"volutpat in congue","requestAuthenticationType":"consequat in consequat","apiMethodDetectionLocations":"request-path","outboundRequestTargetPath":"libero quis","apiMethodDetectionKey":"interdum mauris","id":"6ec971cb-fe24-4ae2-a4fe-e271deee4c93","stringsToTrimFromApiKey":"volutpat dui maecenas","cookiesDuringHttpRedirectsEnabled":true,"forwardedHeaders":"mashery-message-id","updated":"2014-03-28T05:21:00.000+0000","created":"2014-04-18T14:08:54.000+0000","gzipPassthroughSupportEnabled":true,"inboundSslRequired":false,"name":"ut","apiKeyValueLocations":"request-header","customRequestAuthenticationAdapter":"purus eu","systemDomainCredentialSecret":"quis","oauthGrantTypes":"authorization-code","allowMissingApiKey":false,"dropApiKeyFromIncomingCall":true,"systemDomainCredentialKey":"ut","outboundRequestTargetQueryParameters":"nisi nam","highSecurity":true,"forceGzipOfBackendCall":false,"connectionTimeoutForSystemDomainResponse":93,"apiKeyValueLocationKey":"aliquet massa id","connectionTimeoutForSystemDomainRequest":42,"jsonpCallbackParameter":"tortor eu","jsonpCallbackParameterValue":"sodales scelerisque mauris sit","returnedHeaders":"mashery-message-id","hostPassthroughIncludedInBackendCallHeader":false,"outboundTransportProtocol":"https"}


        "requestProtocol": "soap",
        "trafficManagerDomain": "80tao.com",
        "supportedHttpMethods": "post",
        "numberOfHttpRedirectsToFollow": 21,
        "requestAuthenticationType": "vel accumsan",
        "requestPathAlias": "pede",
        "useSystemDomainCredentials": false,
        "outboundRequestTargetPath": "augue vestibulum",
        "apiMethodDetectionLocations": "request-body",
        "id": "37245cbd-4f3b-415c-998d-9837163b5d66",
        "apiMethodDetectionKey": "vestibulum aliquet ultrices",
        "cookiesDuringHttpRedirectsEnabled": false,
        "stringsToTrimFromApiKey": "pharetra magna vestibulum aliquet",
        "forwardedHeaders": "mashery-message-id",
        "updated": "2013-12-29T23:34:09.000+0000",
        "created": "2014-03-17T16:55:47.000+0000",
        "gzipPassthroughSupportEnabled": false,
        "inboundSslRequired": true,
        "name": "tellus semper",
        "apiKeyValueLocations": "request-body",
        "customRequestAuthenticationAdapter": "ut volutpat",
        "systemDomainCredentialSecret": "neque libero convallis",
        "oauthGrantTypes": "authorization-code",
        "allowMissingApiKey": false,
        "dropApiKeyFromIncomingCall": true,
        "outboundRequestTargetQueryParameters": "curae nulla dapibus",
        "systemDomainCredentialKey": "ac tellus semper interdum",
        "highSecurity": false,
        "forceGzipOfBackendCall": false,
        "connectionTimeoutForSystemDomainResponse": 27,
        "apiKeyValueLocationKey": "rutrum nulla tellus",
        "jsonpCallbackParameterValue": "velit vivamus",
        "jsonpCallbackParameter": "non mi integer ac",
        "connectionTimeoutForSystemDomainRequest": 62,
        "returnedHeaders": "mashery-responder",
        "hostPassthroughIncludedInBackendCallHeader": true,
        "outboundTransportProtocol": "https"


curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/packages/83cca97c-986b-468c-b277-525b633909a9/plans/9c0e6072-b6a8-4085-877b-e3fb1c71bc73/services/0fcc39d1c7ee470780e6cbe6/endpoints' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --request POST --data '{"id":"78b7e18d-b2bd-46da-8e7f-be8844b78607","updated":"2013-09-23T17:06:26.000+0000","created":"2014-04-21T20:00:41.000+0000","name":"sed vestibulum sit"}


        "id": "f242bfbf-eb87-4c79-b568-d8a78b3974b4",
        "created": "2014-03-06T23:34:28.000+0000",
        "updated": "2013-10-04T09:15:42.000+0000",
        "name": "ac"

update [PUT]

Updates the identified Plan Endpoint.


Parameter Required Type Description
endpointId true string Endpoint identifier.
endpoint true object ServiceDefinitionEndpoint object



Plan Endpoint as persisted If fields request parameter is not included, only those fields with "Fetch Rule" equal to "Implicit" will be returned. Otherwise, the fields contained in the URL parameter will be included in the response.


Array of validation responses



curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/packages/83cca97c-986b-468c-b277-525b633909a9/plans/9c0e6072-b6a8-4085-877b-e3fb1c71bc73/services/0fcc39d1c7ee470780e6cbe6/endpoints/0dd96770b82f4f248c4711d9' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --request PUT --data '{"trafficManagerDomain":"yaesu-book.co.jp","requestProtocol":"soap","supportedHttpMethods":"head","numberOfHttpRedirectsToFollow":12,"useSystemDomainCredentials":false,"requestPathAlias":"eu magna vulputate","requestAuthenticationType":"tellus nisi eu orci","apiMethodDetectionLocations":"custom","outboundRequestTargetPath":"leo rhoncus sed","apiMethodDetectionKey":"ridiculus mus vivamus","id":"678de922-ae7d-42fe-8478-52a9d6f43167","stringsToTrimFromApiKey":"tortor","cookiesDuringHttpRedirectsEnabled":false,"forwardedHeaders":"mashery-service-id","updated":"2014-03-03T19:56:59.000+0000","created":"2014-05-31T15:33:02.000+0000","gzipPassthroughSupportEnabled":true,"inboundSslRequired":true,"name":"platea dictumst aliquam augue","apiKeyValueLocations":"request-parameters","customRequestAuthenticationAdapter":"neque vestibulum eget vulputate","systemDomainCredentialSecret":"justo","oauthGrantTypes":"implicit","allowMissingApiKey":false,"dropApiKeyFromIncomingCall":true,"systemDomainCredentialKey":"ante vel","outboundRequestTargetQueryParameters":"eu mi nulla","highSecurity":false,"forceGzipOfBackendCall":false,"connectionTimeoutForSystemDomainResponse":37,"apiKeyValueLocationKey":"in magna bibendum","connectionTimeoutForSystemDomainRequest":25,"jsonpCallbackParameter":"vestibulum proin eu mi","jsonpCallbackParameterValue":"enim leo","returnedHeaders":"mashery-message-id","hostPassthroughIncludedInBackendCallHeader":false,"outboundTransportProtocol":"http"}


        "requestProtocol": "xml-rpc",
        "trafficManagerDomain": "woku.com",
        "supportedHttpMethods": "delete",
        "numberOfHttpRedirectsToFollow": 19,
        "requestAuthenticationType": "posuere",
        "requestPathAlias": "nisi at",
        "useSystemDomainCredentials": true,
        "outboundRequestTargetPath": "eget nunc donec quis",
        "apiMethodDetectionLocations": "request-parameters",
        "id": "8b07c608-2366-4a73-af04-8e0e77db1096",
        "apiMethodDetectionKey": "massa quis augue luctus",
        "cookiesDuringHttpRedirectsEnabled": true,
        "stringsToTrimFromApiKey": "congue elementum in",
        "forwardedHeaders": "mashery-host",
        "updated": "2013-07-17T14:20:07.000+0000",
        "created": "2014-02-24T02:39:09.000+0000",
        "gzipPassthroughSupportEnabled": true,
        "inboundSslRequired": true,
        "name": "ante vel ipsum",
        "apiKeyValueLocations": "custom",
        "customRequestAuthenticationAdapter": "amet cursus",
        "systemDomainCredentialSecret": "mi",
        "oauthGrantTypes": "implicit",
        "allowMissingApiKey": true,
        "dropApiKeyFromIncomingCall": true,
        "outboundRequestTargetQueryParameters": "in quam fringilla",
        "systemDomainCredentialKey": "ultrices posuere cubilia",
        "highSecurity": true,
        "forceGzipOfBackendCall": false,
        "connectionTimeoutForSystemDomainResponse": 31,
        "apiKeyValueLocationKey": "at feugiat non",
        "jsonpCallbackParameterValue": "lobortis sapien sapien",
        "jsonpCallbackParameter": "curae duis",
        "connectionTimeoutForSystemDomainRequest": 84,
        "returnedHeaders": "mashery-message-id",
        "hostPassthroughIncludedInBackendCallHeader": true,
        "outboundTransportProtocol": "use-inbound"


curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/packages/83cca97c-986b-468c-b277-525b633909a9/plans/9c0e6072-b6a8-4085-877b-e3fb1c71bc73/services/0fcc39d1c7ee470780e6cbe6/endpoints/0dd96770b82f4f248c4711d9' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --request PUT --data '{"id":"7dc790ed-6e84-4c36-a874-d5996cd3d784","updated":"2014-04-01T19:15:33.000+0000","created":"2013-10-09T06:07:03.000+0000","name":"nisi venenatis"}


        "id": "421ad1f4-e1e9-49e9-b539-93a04872e5be",
        "created": "2014-06-27T18:25:17.000+0000",
        "updated": "2014-03-10T08:20:01.000+0000",
        "name": "cras"

delete [DELETE]

Deletes the identified Plan Endpoint.


Parameter Required Type Description
endpointId true string Endpoint identifier.



Empty response


Array of validation responses



curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/packages/83cca97c-986b-468c-b277-525b633909a9/plans/9c0e6072-b6a8-4085-877b-e3fb1c71bc73/services/0fcc39d1c7ee470780e6cbe6/endpoints/0dd96770b82f4f248c4711d9' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --request DELETE




curl -k 'https://api.mashery.com/v3/rest/packages/83cca97c-986b-468c-b277-525b633909a9/plans/9c0e6072-b6a8-4085-877b-e3fb1c71bc73/services/0fcc39d1c7ee470780e6cbe6/endpoints/0dd96770b82f4f248c4711d9' -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --request DELETE



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