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Package Keys


A package key object tracks access to a package and plan. The key represents a developer's access to the array of services, endpoints and methods included in a plan as well as the limits associated with said access.

NOTE:This object is available when API Packager is turned on for a customer. Please contact Support or your Account Manager if you have any questions about API Packager.

Object Fields


The id field is the primary identifier for the object.

type maxLength format default optional readonly createonly queryable sortable
integer no yes no yes no


A string-based primary identifier for the application object. NOTE: this will become the official identifier for this object once the API is migrated to V3.

type maxLength format default optional readonly createonly queryable sortable

yes yes no yes no


The token that a developer passes with their api call to identify themselves.

type maxLength format default optional readonly createonly queryable sortable
string 255 no no no yes no


This is a shared secret for signing api calls.

type maxLength format default optional readonly createonly queryable sortable
string 255 yes no no yes no


API Key specific Rate Limit the Proxy Service will enforce if both Rate Limit Enforcement is enabled and Rate Limit Overrides are allowed in the Dashboard API Settings Tab. This value takes precidence over the Service Definition Default Rate Limit. Note: The period ("Minute", "Hour", "Day", "Month") for the rate_limit_ceiling (Custom Rate Limit) is set in the Service Definition's Rate Limit Period configuration item in the Dashboard API Settings Tab.

type maxLength format default optional readonly createonly queryable sortable
integer no no no yes no


Toggle whether this key has an unlimited rate limit. This setting is only applied by the Proxy Service at runtime if the Rate Limit feature is enabled and the Default Rate Limit Override is allowed.

type maxLength format default optional readonly createonly queryable sortable
boolean no no no yes no


API Key specific QPS Limit the Proxy Service will enforce if both Throttling Limit Enforcement is enabled and Throttling Limit Overrides are allowed in the Dashboard API Settings Tab. This value takes precedence over the Service Definition Default Rate Limit. This value is only enforced if the Aggregate QPS has not been reached for the Service Definition.

type maxLength format default optional readonly createonly queryable sortable
integer no no no yes no


Toggle whether this key allows unlimted qps. This setting is only applied by the Proxy Service at runtime if the Throttling Limit Enforcement feature is enabled and Throttling Limit Override is allowed. This setting does not take precidence over any Aggregate QPS setting on the service definition.

type maxLength format default optional readonly createonly queryable sortable
boolean no no no yes no


Status is restricted to a specific set of values: waiting, active or disabled.

type maxLength format default optional readonly createonly queryable sortable
string 16 no no no yes no


The date that this object was created.

type maxLength format default optional readonly createonly queryable sortable
string 20 date-time yes yes no yes yes


The date this object was last updated.

type maxLength format default optional readonly createonly queryable sortable
string 20 date-time yes yes no yes no


Limits describe how this key may be limited, including information from the service definition. See below for a more detailed description of the elements of the limits array.

type maxLength format default optional readonly createonly queryable sortable
array yes yes no no no


The type of the object.

type maxLength format default optional readonly createonly queryable sortable
string 32 yes yes no no no



A Package Key has one and only one related Plan object. The related Plan object can be accessed directly via the object.query API method by including this relationship in the query, e.g. select *, plan from package_keys.


A Package Key has one and only one related Package object. The relationship is indirect via the Plan object. The related Package object can be accessed directly via the object.query API method by including this relationship in the query, e.g. select *, package from package_keys.

Method Override

A Package Key has zero or many related Method Override objects. The related Method Override objects can be accessed directly via the object.query API method by including this relationship in the query, e.g. select *, method_overrides from package_keys.


A Package Key has one and only one related Application object. The related Application object can be accessed directly via the object.query API method by including this relationship in the query, e.g. select *, application from package_keys.


A Package Key has one and only one related Member object, i.e. developer. The relationship is indirect via the Application object. The related Member object can be accessed directly via the object.query API method by including this relationship in the query, e.g. select *, member from package_keys.

Object Methods

The package_key namespace contains the following methods for manipulating services.

Get a specific package key or a list of package keys  .
Update a package key  .
Validate a package key  .
Create a package key  .
Delete a package key  .

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