• Register



Creates access token for the flow indicated by response and grant type. Individual parameters are validated based on the indicated flow.


oauth2.createAccessToken (service_key, client, token_data, uri, user_context)


Parameter Type Description
service_key string The id of the OAuth 2.0 protected service definition
client client object A client object containing at least the client_id
token_data token_data object A token data object with parameters passed by oauth client populated.
uri uri object URI data used to redirect to after issuing authorization code. If redirect URI validation is mandated by the API administrator, this will be validated against the pre-registered redirect URI. The uri must be escaped in order be be accepted. See sample value in code below.
user_context string Optional provider-defined user context identifier (typically only available when request_type is "token" or grant_type is "password")

Return Value

"return_type": <type of response required: string; one of "json" or "redirect">,
"access_token": <access token: string>,
"token_type": <token type: string; one of "bearer", "mac", or a supported extension>,
"expires_in": <token expiration: int; optional token expiration in seconds>,
"refresh_token": <refresh token: string, null; optional>,
"scope": <any scope for token: string, null; optional>,
"state": <any state to pass in response: string, null; optional>,
"uri": <for "redirect" return_type, object contains fully populated redirect uri and related
information: uri, null; optional>,
"extended": <any extended token information such as mac data required in response; object, null;

Errors (in addition to standard JSON-RPC errors)


Error Message



An OAuth related error has occurred

An error has occurred pertaining to the OAuth operation. Please check the corresponding structure in the error object for specific details.

Sample Requests and Responses

Sample Request (Ordered Parameters)




Sample Request (Named Parameters)


Sample Response



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