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Mashery API Documentation

Welcome to the Mashery API Documentation pages.  This section is intended for API Providers that need to understand the capabilities of the Mashery API to integrate with Mashery provided services.  This section contains the following documentation:

Documentation Description
Mashery 3.0 API Guide Describes how to use the Mashery 3.0 API. Includes examples, information about the API sandbox, authentication, and the Mashery 3.0 API resources.
Mashery 2.0 API Guide Describes how to use the Mashery 2.0 API. Includes examples, information about the API sandbox, JSON RPC, authentication, integrating OAuth, and the Mashery 2.0 API calls.

Use Cases for the Mashery API

The Mashery API is designed to facilitate

  • Integration with external tools and existing sites.
  • Pulling member and application content for your own reporting needs
  • Creating custom workflows
  • Migrating existing API programs to Mashery

We Use Our Own API

The practice of using your own product is commonly called eating your own dogfood.  We prefer to think of it as drinking our own champagne.  This documentation was created and hosted in the Mashery portal product.  API key management in this site is done using our own product.

Additionally, we've made a major commitment to our own API in the form of the Mashery Dashboard.  All user management functions in the dashboard are performed using the Mashery API.

API Versioning

The Mashery API as documented here is fully supported and we are committed to backward compatibility.  This page describes which changes might occur that would cause the version to be incremented and which kinds of changes might occur that would not cause a new version.

Custom Fields and Validations

The Mashery portal allows custom fields to be created on Member, Application, and Role objects.  Certain fields from those objects may also be created.  Customized validation rules may also be added. These customizations may result in changes to the fields that appear in the api and some of the properties returned by object.describe.  These customizations will not result in the versioning of the api.


Applications using the Mashery API should expect that fields could be added to objects returned by the API without creating a new version of the API.  These fields would, of course, appear in the result of object.describe.  Methods may also be added and optional parameters may be added to existing methods.  New object types may also be added.  New relationship properties may also be added for existing objects.


We will provide ample notification before deprecating the current version of the API or making changes known to be backward incompatible.

Getting Started

  1. Read the documentation to familiarize yourself with its capabilities and determine suitability for your project.
  2. Determine which Portal member administrator account from your Mashery site you will use to govern API access.
  3. Register for your API key for the Mashery API.  This API key can be used for both your sandbox and production environments.
  4. Build your application using the sandbox environment.
  5. Deploy your application.


Support is available by filing a support ticket or via the Mashery API forum.  Feedback is welcome.  Please stop by the forum to interact with other clients using the Mashery API.  Let us know what you're doing.

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