Mashery Winter 2010 Product Briefing
We’ve been hard at work since the Developer Management upgrade over the summer which was when we published our last product briefing. We thought we’d end the year with a feature launch and a review of some of the new exciting features and smaller sometimes overlooked enhancements that we’ve made in the past few months.
Thank you as always for continuing your support of Mashery, whether it’s filing bugs, suggesting improvements, or just continuing to be a customer. We value our relationship!
New Feature! Mashery API v2.0
The Mashery API Management Service offers compelling stand-alone functionality to assist you in your API program. There are times, however, where you really need to extend our solution with customizations, or you just would like to pull data out for use in your own external tools, applications, or analytics. A comprehensive API was required.
We are pleased to launch version 2.0 of the Mashery API! This version is more comprehensive compared to its predecessor in its coverage of Mashery objects. It also includes a powerful query language, allowing you to easily perform ad hoc queries for objects.
The following objects are supported:
- Members
- Applications
- Keys
- Roles
- Service Definitions (incl. Cache)
With this release, we will be managing customer access to our API via our Support Portal at Thus, just as your developers do, you’ll need to register your account on this site so we may grant you key access. Full documentation is available at
New Feature! Roles
We released a set of features in September allowing you to group your developers and administrators into Roles.
- Administrative Roles: we launched with a set of administrative roloes that give you the ability to lock down Portal Dashboard feature access by administrator types. For example, you may grant tech writers the ability to manage content in the CMS without access to the API Settings pages that control your API’s behavior. Then grant access to the API Settings pages just to your technical admin team.
Custom Roles: create custom Roles to group developers to drive the portal content pages they have access to. For example, you might create a Role for the internal developer community in your company and give them access to the documentation for the “internal only” methods of your API. Or create a private beta program Role and only give access to specific beta developers so only they may see the documentation or marketing collateral for it.
There are numerous ways to use this feature and we hope you get value out of it.
API Proxy Enhancements:
Round robin load balancing: while many customers load balance their backend servers themselves, in cases where its not possible, we now support round robin load balancing to your backend API hosts.
- Geo IP filtering. API’s need to adhere to the same geographical distribution rights agreements of your business. In those cases where you must restrict access to your content by geo, Mashery now provides a means to whitelist the origin IP addresses that are allowed to get access.
Productized set of authentication adapters for signed calls, all user interface configurable: SHA-256, MD-5, IP Addr
Cache Flush UI. Should you wish to flush your API cache via user interface, we’ve exposed a simple ability to fully flush your cache by API service name in the API Settings Dashboard
Developer Portal Enhancements:
- Email improvements:
- Forum email notifications improved with better and deeper links
- New account notifications: when a developer with an account on a Mashery-hosted developer portal joins a new site, ‘new member’ email notifications will be automatically sent to the new site’s administrators.
- Walled garden support. The member registration process may be disabled on your Portal with a simple configuration request to Mashery. You will find this useful if you want to stop new developers from coming into your program during a Beta or if you want to keep your API private indefinitely. All members need to be created by an administrator in the Dashboard while this setting is in place.
Toggle WYSIWIG: Ability to turn the CMS inbuilt WYSIWIG editor off when you wish more control over the HTML produced for the page.